Helping Households
Assisting families, individuals, and seniors with medical home care of loved ones and property taxes. I’m in your corner!
Protecting Kids
Creating protections and roadblocks against child abuse and trafficking. Also, protecting parent rights.
Promoting Careers
Advancing free enterprise and small business. Providing pathways for youth regarding trade jobs and professions.
Preserving Freedoms
Allowing free choice for businesses, consumers, individuals, and patients. Fighting for our country’s future!
- Supports Union Construction 100%
- Supports School Choice 100%
- Supports Reducing Government 100%
- Supports Public Education 100%
What about family values?
Jed highly values faith, family, and freedom and believes all three go hand in hand, meaning strong faith promotes strong family promotes strong freedom. His family is a foster family through the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). They’ve fostered multiple children, even adopting their youngest daughter from foster care. He’ll defend family values with every action, comment, and vote.
What about migrants?
Springfield’s policies created this mess. We must simply remove free services like health care and rescind our sanctuary state status. Don’t forget, you the tax payer are burdening the costs of these services.
Illinois isn’t equipped to manage this flow of undocumented immigrants.
What about parents?
Springfield is hell bent on minimizing your roles and removing your rights as parents. I’ll continually tell government no when pushing to circumvent these roles and rights. It’s simple, you’re the parent, not government.
Jed has four children with nearly a 14 year spread. He’s fostered numerous other children as well.
What about police and fire?
Jed’s oldest daughter is an emergency medical technician and his son-in-law is a medic / firefighter here in Illinois. He also has both family and friends actively involved in law enforcement. All police and fire have his utmost support and respect. They’re the ones on the line day in and day out serving and protecting our communities. Jed is grateful for their commitment and willingness to run towards danger whenever and wherever presented.
Jed is endorsed by local county sheriffs (including DeKalb, Grundy, Kendall, and LaSalle Counties).
What about schools?
Communities need thriving public schools, private schools, and home school groups and they should all support one another. Public schools are literally the identity and spirit of communities like Yorkville, Somonauk, Sandwich, Oswego, Newark, Morris, Minooka, and Lisbon. Did you know Jed graduated from Lisbon Grade School and Newark High School? Trust us, he fully supports public education!
Jed wholeheartedly opposes mandates from the governor involving masks, vaccines, etc. These items should always be a family’s or individual’s choice, not a governor’s mandate. Jed also opposes the recent legislation / curriculum around critical race theory and sex education. It’s a continued intrusion of government into areas where parents should rule.
Jed also fully supports school choice and would vote for vouchers in a heartbeat, even if only applicable for public schools!
What about second amendment?
Jed is a life member of both the American Trapshooting Association (ATA) and National Rifle Association (NRA). He’s also a member of Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club, Guns Save Life (GSL), and the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA). He’s the lead coach of Parkview Christian Academy’s trapshooting team where roughly 50 to 80 athletes from 6th to 12th grades compete through the Illinois State High School Clay Target League. He’s an avid waterfowl hunter as well.
Jed believes in educating and equipping the next generation regarding their rights around the second amendment.
What about taxes?
Let’s first unpack some facts. Illinois ranks 30 out of 50 for economy and 50 out of 50 for fiscal stability per the US News and World Report. These rankings should make everyone annoyed and frustrated! Illinois is literally in last place. Jed believes taxes are the problem, not the solution. Illinois can’t tax its way out of last place, but Illinois can budget its way out of last place. This state desperately needs fiscal responsibility and Jed will consistently vote no to taxes.
We must stop enacting new taxes and raising existing taxes. We’re not creating healthy environments for businesses and families to thrive.
Pro America
Pro Business
Pro Family