8 Passed as Chief

Jed passed substantial legislation as a first-term representative, especially considering the republican’s super minority status. As chief sponsor or chief co-sponsor, he passed bills advancing construction, assisting families, defending businesses, and saving taxes. This success rate is rare, demonstrating the tenacious work ethic of Representative Davis. He also sponsored numerous other bills.

Advisory Councils

Jed has formed the following advisory councils in District.
Agribusiness and Agriculture
Community Colleges & Educators
Fire & Police
Foster Families
General Topics

Infrastructure and Transportation
Local Officials
Local Pastors
Small Businesses

Assigned Committees

Jed was assigned the following committees in Springfield.
Adoption & Child Welfare
Appropriations – General Services
Appropriations – Health & Human Services

Domestic & International Commerce
Energy & Environmental
Job & Workforce Development
Judiciary – Civil
Labor & Commerce
Mental Health & Addiction

02/22/23 Press Release: DCFS Working Group

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

Representative Jed Davis was recently appointed to serve on the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Working Group. This key group is bipartisan, consisting of select members from the Illinois House of Representatives and Illinois Senate. They’re tasked with developing policies and solutions to help improve the state’s child welfare agency.

“My wife and I are foster parents, so the topic of child welfare hits close to home. Together, we’ve lived the challenges and frustrations of working with the system, but love helping kids by providing stability during volatile situations.” Representative Davis continued, “We need to ask the hard questions and remind Springfield child welfare isn’t about position or power, it’s about kids. Kids are the main characters and they sadly get dismissed or overlooked. Let’s work together to make DCFS a true asset for families and kids.”

DCFS was established on January 1, 1964 as the nation’s first cabinet-level child welfare agency. Approximately 4,000 children were in care during the agency’s first year of operation, compared to a peak of 51,000 children during 1997, and 20,000 today.

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any recommendations or suggestions as they relate to child welfare.

03/02/23 Press Release: Helping Foster Parents

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding graphic. Click here for a corresponding picture.

Representative Jed Davis is calling upon democrats and republicans to help foster parents with HB 2995.

“From my experience as a foster parent, you spend hundreds if not thousands purchasing essentials for placements. These essentials include things like car seats, clothes, and mattresses.” Representative Davis continued, “Foster parents outlay dollars early, but don’t receive their first full stipend until 60 to 80 days later. Why are we creating these financial hurdles when we desperately need more foster parents. My bill, HB2995, addresses this issue.”

This bill provides foster parents an initial stipend within 24 hours of a permanent placement and this stipend is then credited against the final month’s stipend. So, it accelerate stipends without increasing the state’s obligations.

Representative Davis added, “This bill is a simple fix. We either value foster parents and truly want to partner with them or we don’t. It all ultimately helps the kids which should always be the end goal of foster care. I’m calling on democrats and republicans to pass this bill. I also want people to know it’s not about the money. The money never covers the cost, but it definitely helps, so let’s help foster parents here.”

Representative Davis encourages you to contact your local representative and senator, asking them to support HB2995. DCFS is failing and we need to rebuild from the bottom up, starting with foster parents.

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any recommendations or suggestions as they relate to child welfare.

03/08/23 Press Release: Most Shocking Since Taking Office

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

Representative Jed Davis reflects on roughly the past two months in office, suggesting it’s time we talk truth in Springfield. This release highlights his top three most shocking discoveries.

1. Statements by Fellow Republicans: “I have three great examples, all spoken by fellow republicans around Springfield. 1) Voting to double the gas tax was my best vote. 2) Lots of great initiatives from our Governor. 3) Go ahead, take the hard votes, the lobbyists will protect you.” Representative Davis continued, “So we should increase taxes, push our state’s spend spend spend agenda, and side with lobbyists over constituents. Got it, thanks but no thanks. Now these comments were only from a few, so I’m holding onto hope!”

2. Nothing Starts on Time: Representative Davis reflects, “If we start session 20 minutes late, we’re on time. We’ll often sit 40 to 50 minutes, waiting for session to actually start. Republicans complain, but here’s the kicker. Republicans held caucus yesterday, dismissing at 2:50 pm, knowing six committees were scheduled for 2:00 pm starts. So, we held the entire system hostage for 50 minutes, making us no better. It’s all extremely frustrating.”

3. Beyond Blessed: “Everyone always asks, how do you like Springfield, probably expecting me to answer with anger or angst. I actually love every second.” Representative Davis continued, “I’m beyond blessed to be here and so grateful to represent the 75th. It’s definitely an uphill challenge, but our communities and families are well worth the daily climb!”

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

03/26/23 Press Release: Springfield Shenanigans Beneath Illinois Electorate

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

Representative Jed Davis speaking of session this past Friday evening says, “Absolutely unacceptable, this is what’s happening in Illinois and we need to expose this stuff because it’s absolutely beneath the electorate of Illinois.”

Friday evening was full of political shenanigans on the house floor as democrats tried passing legislation without the necessary votes present. They were essentially sidestepping rules and got caught in their own process. Representative Davis explains what happened here…


For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

04/20/23 Press Release: Flips the Narrative Playing Devils Advocate

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

SB1909 is a bill targeting pregnancy information centers. It’s cleared the senate and is currently fumbling through the house. Representative Jed Davis speaks out against SB1909.

“This bill uses words like deceptive, fraudulent, and misleading regarding pregnancy information centers and their advertising. Why? Well, in the words of the bill, these centers don’t provide ‘comprehensive’ reproductive services.

In turn, this bill weaponizes the attorney general’s office, fining these centers for said deceptive, fraudulent, and misleading advertising, essentially silencing their voices. It’s outrageous!

Let’s flip the narrative, playing devils advocate for just a moment. Imagine local doctors offices. Families visit for health issues, but do they truly provide comprehensive health services? Scans and surgeries are absent. Chiropractors are often frowned upon. Regardless these offices are advertising health services although far from comprehensive. So, why are we not targeting them as well?

This analogy purely attempts to make a point. A point saying SB1909 is full of hypocrisy, pushing agendas versus truths. This bill literally says a pregnancy information center shall not engage in advertising, soliciting, or otherwise offering pregnancy related services. Driving the point home, this bill also says a pregnancy information center shall not engage in conducting, providing, or performing pregnancy related services.

Again, pregnancy information centers shall not engage in pregnancy related services. But this bill isn’t targeting them? Let’s stop hiding behind falsehoods and simply be honest. This bill wants these centers out of business. There’s no other conclusion.

In closing, let’s lay aside the issue of abortion. Our concern here shouldn’t be abortion, rather it should be a single answer to a single question. Is the state unfairly targeting pregnancy information centers? Or, better yet, do we want the state defining the word comprehensive for businesses and nonprofits? Where does it end? Pregnancy information centers, mechanics, electricians, doctors offices, coffee shops? When’s the last time you saw government not expanding elsewhere. The answer is never…”

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

04/26/23 Press Release: Fighting on Behalf of Local Constituent Denied by Secretary of State

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a picture of Caitlyn and here for her receipt.

Let’s go back 422 days ago, all the way back to February 28, 2022. Governor Pritzker dropped all masking requirements across Illinois on this date. Again, 422 days ago!

Regardless, did you know our Secretary of State still requires masking for all roadway tests? Representative Jed Davis didn’t, until a constituent reached out sharing her story.

Who remembers turning 16 with the excitement of getting their driver’s license? Talk about freedom! 16 year old Caitlyn from the 75th District didn’t share this excitement. She instead was denied a roadway test by the Secretary of State’s Facility in Plano, IL. Why? She simply refused to wear a face mask.

In fact, reference the attached receipt where the Secretary of State’s Staff literally wrote the words, “Refused to wear a face mask or shield.”

Representative Davis called the Secretary of State’s Office and confirmed this policy does exist. However, when requesting the written policy, he was told it’s unavailable because it’s an internal policy.

Representative Davis commented, “We’re no longer in the midst of a pandemic. Our own state, one of the most progressive with restrictions, dropped these requirements well over a year ago. Did our Secretary of State miss the memo?” Representative Davis continued, “I commend Caitlyn, what courage to stand against government, advocating for her rights. She’s amazing! I’m sending a letter to the Secretary of State  on her behalf requesting this ‘internal’ policy be dropped immediately and asking my colleagues to follow suit.”

Representative Davis leaves one question for everyone, “How much power should a state office hold? Here we see the Secretary of State ignoring Governor Pritzker and enacting separate health policy even though the Secretary of State has nothing to do with health. It’s clearly out of bounds from their defined obligations. Alarming, no?”

Hats off to Caitlyn for bringing this matter to everyone’s attention.

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

05/16/23 Press Release: Suggesting the Balance of Power is an Injustice to Illinois Voters

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

During the recent campaign cycle, Representative Davis knocked on thousands of doors, and one theme was abundantly clear. The majority of voters want neither far-left nor far-right policies, they want both sides working together. Unfortunately, this desire couldn’t possibly be further from our current reality.

The House of Representatives has 78 Democrats and 40 Republicans, a 1.95 supermajority. The Senate is even worse with 40 Democrats and 19 Republicans, a 2.11 supermajority. Democrats have a blank checkbook for the laws and policies of Illinois, leaving them completely unchecked.

There are two significant problems here. 1) Lopsided power disconnects leaders from pressing issues. 2) Lopsided power also generates unhealthy factions within a singular party.

Disconnects leaders from pressing issues: From knocking on doors, Representative Davis learned people are concerned about educational values, rising costs, and rising taxes. He also frequently heard the words healthcare and safety. However, none of these issues were tackled over the past three months, at least absent far left or far right approaches. Representatives instead spent energy debating bears, female prostate exams, male pap smears, pronouns, and stoves. They’ve essentially made a mockery of governing the people. You see, the people lose when a singular party has a 2 to 1 supermajority. Illinois is losing. Losing businesses, losing families, and politicians are disconnected from these realities because there’s no incentive for listening.

“I tire from democrat leaders standing on the house floor, saying Republicans step aside, you’re not needed, we’re passing our agendas.” Representative Davis continues, “This blatant chest pounding exemplifies our lopsided government, telling me Mr. and Mrs. Smith from Main Street Illinois are simply being ignored.”

Generate unhealthy factions: You practically create parties within a party when numbers swell to supermajorities. Instead of wrestling with true kitchen table economics, Democrats are wrestling with spending $0.8 to $1.5 billion on free healthcare for immigrants. This issue alone portrays competing values arising through unhealthy factions. It wouldn’t exist without unbalanced power.

Representative Davis closes, “Listen, I don’t have all the answers, and politicians saying otherwise are simply lying. Together though, there’s hope! Sharp minds exist in the General Assembly, on both sides of the aisle. So, what could we truly accomplish if we set aside trivial issues? What business incentives, cost savings, and family partnerships could we develop? We’ll sadly never know. Democrats demand unity on the floor or likely face primaries. Republicans are in such a minority, our voice is practically irrelevant. And combined – the people continually lose. You deserve better and I’ll work tirelessly for change while praying someone across the aisle is willing to do the same.”

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

11/15/23 Press Release: Legislative Scheme to Ensure Electoral Victories

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

During veto session, we voted to allow public elections of the Board of Education for Chicago Public Schools. Without question, it’s great placing elections in the hands of people. However, the timing is essentially a legislative scheme to ensure electoral victories.

“This bill aligns the city’s school board elections with general elections, meaning it’s the same time people elect statewide officials like their governor, secretary of state, and treasurer.” Representative Davis continues, “Everywhere else in Illinois, school board elections occur during consolidated elections, during off-years, meaning not during general elections. So, we must ask why are we allowing special circumstances for Chicago?”

Representative Davis answers why, “The city’s school board elections will turn out voters in heavily democrat areas. It’s an infusion of democrat votes for statewide officials, ensuring a republican never wins a statewide election again. It’s corruption right out in the open for everyone to see.”

This nonsense must end and Representative Davis promises to push against this legislation and address the issue as needed through judicial means.

“We must ensure equality across the aisle and not give one party or the other advantages during general elections. This legislation is shameful and the people deserve better. Let’s absolutely give the people the power to vote, but let’s not treat Chicago differently from a timing perspective compared with all other Illinois voters. I’m asking both House and Senate leadership to do the right thing and fix this issue before sending anything to the Governor’s desk.”

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

12/09/24 Press Release: Meridian Healthcare and Northwestern Medicine Cutting Ties

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

Meridian Healthcare, a major health insurance provider, will no longer accept Northwestern Medicine in network beginning January 1st. Here’s a statement from State Representative Jed Davis regarding this issue.

“As the State Representative for the 75th District, I’m deeply concerned about the ongoing dispute between Meridian Healthcare and Northwestern Medicine, sadly creating great uncertainty for local families.

This dispute has real consequences, especially for constituents using Medicaid through Meridian Healthcare. The inability of these organizations to reach an agreement risks undermining access to essential medical services, including at Valley West Hospital in Sandwich, a healthcare cornerstone for many.

After speaking with representatives from both Meridian Healthcare and Northwestern Medicine, I strongly urge them to reopen conversations with a shared commitment to the patients they serve. Resolving this impasse equitably and promptly isn’t just a business necessity – it’s a moral obligation to the people depending on them for their health and well-being.

As your representative, I remain committed to advocating for accessible, high-quality healthcare and ensuring all voices from our communities are heard. I’ll continually monitor this situation and pursue any state-level actions available to protect healthcare access for all.”

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

01/03/25 Press Release: Energy Policies as Winter Heating Season Kicks Off

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

With the winter heating season kicking off, Illinois State Representative Jed Davis today condemned the staggering impracticality of replacing the state’s coal-fired power plants with “clean” energy by 2045, calling the current law “an alarming disregard for Illinois’ energy costs and land-use realities.”

Using solar farms as an example of “clean” energy, recent estimates suggest replacing Illinois’ coal power with solar farms requires up to 426,300 acres of land – an area equivalent to 670 square miles. This area is more than five times the size of Chicago.

“Let’s stop for a moment and think about what these numbers mean,” said Rep. Davis. “This plan would pave over farms, forests, and open spaces on an enormous scale, one equivalent to essentially my entire legislative district consisting of five counties. How can anyone believe this proposal is a feasible or responsible way of meeting our energy needs?”

The current law also raises serious concerns about food security and the economy, as much of the land required for solar farms is prime agricultural land.

“Our farmers are already battling unpredictable weather, supply chain issues, and market pressures,” Rep. Davis said. “Now, they’re being told their land might be sacrificed for giant solar installations? This is not environmental progress – it’s environmental destruction.”

Rep. Davis noted the area required for solar farms (up to 426,300 acres) feeds roughly 2 to 4 million people each year, depending on the crops. These numbers are above the population of several states! “Why would we eliminate the food supply for millions of people? It feels like we’re sacrificing great in the name of good,” said Rep. Davis.

Instead of pursuing damaging and unworkable policies, Rep. Davis called for a balanced, all-of-the-above energy approach, including advanced nuclear energy, clean coal technology, and incremental renewable energy expansion.

“Energy policies should be about common sense and practical solutions, not ideological experiments,” Rep. Davis said. “Illinois deserves a plan keeping the lights on while protecting our farms and respecting our communities. Instead, we’re starving homegrown resources and escalating your cost of living. It’s simply unacceptable!”

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representative’s cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

01/14/25 Press Release: Local Combat Veteran’s Unacceptable Mistreatment

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

State Representative Jed Davis (R-Yorkville) issued a strong statement today calling for immediate action addressing shortcomings in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Caregiver Support Program. This release comes after hearing a moving account from Michelle, a constituent and mother of a combat veteran. It also comes after receiving little to no help through traditional channels.

Michelle’s son, an infantry veteran who served two tours in Iraq, has endured multiple firefights and survived seven blast injuries, leaving him with severe physical, neurological, and mental health challenges. Despite meeting multiple criteria for caregiver assistance, his mother has faced repeated denials from the VA Caregiver Support Program.

“This story is heartbreaking and unacceptable. Michelle’s family is the embodiment of resilience and sacrifice. They deserve a system supporting them, not one creating more hurdles,” said Rep. Davis.

The VA Caregiver Support Program assists families of returning Afghanistan and Iraq veterans. Despite expansion through the past decade or so, reports of delays in appeals and inconsistencies in eligibility determinations have left many caregivers like Michelle frustrated and unsupported.

In her own words, Michelle outlined her family’s struggles: “When my son was hospitalized at a VA facility, they required constant supervision due to his condition. But when he’s home under my care, the VA says he doesn’t qualify for assistance. This contradiction is devastating to families like mine.”

Rep. Davis is advocating local members of Congress for reforms using the following priorities:

  1. Clarifying Eligibility Rules: Enforce and simplify consistent eligibility criteria ensuring families like Michelle’s receive the aid they need.
  2. Expediting Appeals: Reduce wait times for appeals, preventing unnecessary hardship for veterans and their caregivers.
  3. Supporting Families: Ensure families providing full-time care have access to the financial support, resources, and training their veterans need.

“Michelle and her son are not alone. Their story is representative of a systemic failure demanding immediate action. I’m advocating for accountability and reform within the VA through local members of Congress. We must honor the sacrifices made by veterans and their families across this great nation,” Davis concluded.

Michelle is available for comments as desired.

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representatives cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.

01/15/25 Press Release: Funding School Resource Officers

Click here for a pdf of this release. Click here for a corresponding picture.

Yesterday, State Representative Jed Davis (R-Yorkville) introduced House Bill 1346, which aims to bolster school safety in Illinois by establishing the School Resource Officer (SRO) Grant Program. This legislation will provide critical funding to support the hiring of active or retired law enforcement officers as SROs in schools throughout the state.

“Every child deserves safe environments to grow and learn,” said Rep. Davis. “House Bill 1346 provides these environments by ensuring our schools have the resources for hiring trained law enforcement professionals. These professionals will help protect our classrooms, students, and teachers.”

Key Provisions of House Bill 1346:

  • Creates the School Resource Officer Grant Program managed by the State Board of Education.
  • Ensures districts and schools hiring SROs will be eligible for reimbursements of salaries and related costs through this program.
  • Requires active or retired law enforcement officers serving as SROs to meet the certification requirements of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board.

“This bill will help schools prioritize safety while fostering supportive learning environments,” Davis added. “Educators and parents shouldn’t worry about whether their school can afford critical safety measures. This legislation alleviates any worry, providing a path forward to safer schools for every child in Illinois.”

Rep. Davis emphasized the importance of addressing safety proactively, highlighting how SROs serve not only as protectors but also as mentors who can build positive relationships with students.

This bill was produced in collaboration with Kristina McCloy, head of Concerned Parents Illinois, whose advocacy was instrumental in shaping House Bill 1346. Ms. McCloy said, “School safety is deeply personal to me. For years, I’ve been unwavering in my efforts to raise awareness and advocate for the protection of our children. While politicians and public figures enjoy robust security, our classrooms remain exposed and vulnerable. It’s time for meaningful actions addressing these disparities. I’m grateful to Representative Davis for championing this cause and including this critical measure in his Protecting Kids bill package. Together, we can ensure every child in Illinois experiences safe environments to grow and learn.”

House Bill 1346 now awaits further action in the Illinois House of Representatives. Rep. Davis urges bipartisan support for this commonsense solution toward enhancing school safety.

This bill is one of multiple bills in Rep. Davis’ Protecting Kids bill package.

For more information about Representative Davis, please call his district office in Yorkville at (331) 867-8200. You may also call or text the Representatives cell at (630) 724-7600. Feel free to share any concerns or recommendations.