Jed as Pinocchio? Please. Here are the facts with links to the votes.

The Facts:
1) David Welter voted to double the gas tax. Fact, SB1939.
2) David Welter voted to eliminate gender distinctions. This bill was opposed by IL Right to Life and supported by Planned Parenthood. David Welter voted against pro-life groups. Fact, SJRCA0004.
3) David Welter voted to increase utility rates. 98.6% of democrats voted yes. 74.4% of republicans voted no. David Welter voted yes. Fact, SB2408.
4) David Welter voted to restrict 2A freedoms. This bill was opposed by the ISRA and NRA. David Welter voted against pro-gun groups. Fact, HB1468.
5) David Welter accepted $20,000 from Adam Kinzinger. Fact, state filings.

Links to the Votes:
1) Gas Link
2) Gender Link
3) Utility Link
4) 2A Link
5) Kinzinger Link

I’m being personally attacked for one reason. David Welter can’t defend his votes, so he’s using lies and lowball tactics. Ask yourself this question, do you want this behavior from your State Representative? Now, regarding the attacks…

Lawsuits: I was sued by creditors after a nightmare identity theft issue. My wife and I hired attorneys and we won, everything was closed / dismissed.

Meetings: Halfway through my second term, I started traveling Tuesdays to Thursdays for my career. Newark’s meetings are once per month (second Wednesdays). I couldn’t make the two schedules work, so I resigned. Comparing a two hour per month trustee position to a full time state rep position is ridiculous. By the way, David Welter was absent and missed over 300 votes just a few months ago.

Taxes: David Welter is going back 7 to 14 years here. 7 to 14 years! I’m current on taxes.

These issues are borderline defamation and malice coming directly from David Welter’s campaign. Enough is enough. We need true change and true conservative leadership for the 75th District.

Let’s send the establishment a message by voting for me, Jed Davis, June 28th. Thanks for your support!


Jed Davis


Pro America


Anti Mandate


Pro Family